Agent Payment Function Maintenance


Purpose: The Agent Payment Function Maintenance screen is where agents can complete functions related to payments on behalf of employers. There are two hyperlinks associated with this screen: the Payment History hyperlink and the Make Payments hyperlink. Both are detailed below.


Payment History:

The Payment History hyperlink will allow the agent to view a history of all payments made from the agent account. This is both useful for record keeping purposes and also in the case that a payment may need to be modified or suspended.


Make Payments:

The Make Payments hyperlink will allow the agent to manually submit payments and payment allocation files through the agent portal. This will only be possible if the agent has been given the role of Payment Submission by the employer when the relationship between the two was established. There are four types of payment methods that can be utilized: ACH Credit, ACH Debit, Credit Card, and Payment Voucher for Check.


Related Links

      Agent Makes a Manual Allocation Payment Using ACH Credit

      Agent Makes a Manual Allocation Payment Using ACH Debit

      Agent Makes a Manual Allocation Payment Using a Credit Card

      Agent Makes a Manual Allocation Payment Using a Payment Voucher for Check

      Agent Submits a Payment Allocation File and Payment Using ACH Credit

      Agent Submits a Payment Allocation File and Payment Using ACH Debit

      Agent Submits a Payment Allocation File and Payment Using a Credit Card

      Agent Submits a Payment Allocation File and Payment Using a Payment Voucher for Check

      Agent Cancels Pending Payment

      Agent Edits Pending Payment